CMI – Chicago Musical Instruments – produced a line of electric guitars under the Holiday brand in the 1950s and 1960s. The instruments seen to date are based on Harmony designs, in a similar way to Alden, Barclay, Silvertone and others.
Some examples are shown below. More information will be added as it becomes available.
A single page from a 1965 Alden catalog shows six Holiday branded instruments fitted with DeArmond pickups.
Holiday guitar E 35 B 9213E with three S-grille riveted soapbars, as Harmony Bobkat H17V.
A 1965 Holiday guitar as Harmony H-19 Silhouette B0367. (photo copyright Philip Hoffman)
Single cutaway 1962 Bass as Harmony H22; 1961-1968 B0404.(photo copyright Estate of Francois Demont).
B0490 As Holiday Stratotone, 1 F-hole, 1 plain Hershey Bar pickup, woodscrew fixed.