Eko is an Italian musical instrument manufacturer. In the 1960s, that company factory-fitted some of their guitars and basses with DeArmond pickups.

Below, an Eko Lancer fitted with two Model 2000 chrome/white pickups, each fixed with two screws centrally located on the pickups’ short side. The pickups are described in the catalog as ‘Dual cardioid’ (photo copyright Stefano Aria of Fetish Guitars.com)
A range of electric guitars and basses under the Rokes brand name was produced by Eko in the 1960s. The instruments’ distinctive arrow-shaped body shape was designed in conjunction with The Rokes, a popular Italian pop group of that time. All Rokes instruments have the characteristic arrow shape, accentuated by the pointed headstock. Some of these instruments were factory-fitted with DeArmond pickups Models 2000 and 41 as shown below.
The 1967 Rokes single-page catalog extract below, shows three models – the Rok Bass was fitted with a slanted Model 41 pickup, while the Rok VI and the Rok XII guitars are each shown with the same Model 2000 chrome/white pickup, fixed with two screws centrally located on the pickup’s short side.
The page above is from a 1967 Rokes catalog. The instruments shown are (L-R) the Rok Bass with one slanted Model 41 pickup (see close-up photo below), the Rok VI and Rokes X11 guitars. Both guitars are fitted with one Model 2000 chrome/black pickup, fixed by means of four screws through the pickguard into the four holes in the pickup’s bezel which is located under the pickguard.
This Rok XII example’s chrome/black pickup is fixed by means of four screws through the pickguard into the four holes in the pickup’s bezel which is located under the pickguard.
A Rok Bass, 1967, with one Model 41 pickup in chrome, without a DeArmond logo, mounted diagonally (Photo copyright Vic Gerard).
Other Eko guitars seen include a solid-body bass with two Model 1000 pickup heads with red inserts. A publishable photo of this instrument is not available.